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A classic long out print! It is a “classic expression and crystallization of Chinese thought by one of the most vocal and respected scholars of the old Chinese tradition.”─Kenneth Inada, Professor and Chairman of Asian Studies Committee, State University of New York at Buffalo,N.Y.
“To my knowledge the most penetrating presentation in the English language of the spirit of Chinese philosophy remains Professor Thome H. Fang’s The Chinese View of Life. It is more than its title indicates. It has presented a system ofmetaphysics which is immanent in the whole history of Chines philosophy.” (Inquiry, Vol. 14, 1971)”The best introduction to Chinese philosophy” by its “best representative.” “It is a great loss to the English
speaking world that itsoriginal edition was published in Asia rather than in the United States.” Joseph S. Wu, Professor of Philosophy, State University of California at Sacramento, Calif., Visiting Research Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The reprint of thisclassic is therefore most welcome news to scholars and students alkie throughout the world; a Dutch bersion of it has already appeared in Europe. It aims at presenting, in a synoptic way, a systematic interpretation of those ideals that have been effective in the shaping of Chinese cututre. It aims also at form ulating with great lucidity those importatn features of Chinese cosmology into a system of ultimate principles or categories, i.e., notions of utmost generalities, that have been considered to be the necessary bases upon which to build up the various forms of creative life as embodied in the rationality of cosmic feeling in the wholesomeness of inward nature, in the sagacity of moral sense, in the delicacy of artistic taste, and in the persistency of political aspirations for a more viable world community.

